Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Inside That Ad Gets Business Cards!

Last Thursday, June 21, Inside That Ad’s business cards arrived in the mail. Please admire my friends' photography skills displayed above. At first glance I liked them but then I noticed that the logo sat on its own layer on top of the black background of the card. I know, you can’t tell from the picture but the imperfection is there.

A few details on how I created the cards:
  1. The design I did myself using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
  2. I used a template provided by to know exactly how and where to place the content for rounded corner business cards. 
  3. I uploaded the design to and ordered 50 social media business cards.
  4. My error, I should have uploaded the design for the back of the card without a background color. The background color could have been selected from the site’s card creator wizard anyway.
The good thing is that the error is not that bad and it serves as a learning tool for my next design.

Anyway, thanks guys! Finally, please do me a favor and subscribe to by blog via the follow widget on your right, subscribe by email and if you are on any of the social media sites listed (also on the right) please connect and be social with Inside That Ad.


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