Last month, we showcased a short PSA titled “We’re Better Together,” an effort from two young creatives at WPP-owned Latino-focused shop Wing Advertising. Created as part of a film competition for “Circulo Creativo Latino de Estados Unidos,” an organization that encourages Latino-American creatives to have each other’s backs in the cutthroat world of marketing, the winning spot won Said Fayad and Marc Duran an all-expenses paid trip to Cannes this year.
But, just because Fayad and Duran were given the unique opportunity to rub shoulders with the advertising elite doesn’t mean Wing was about to let this be a vacation for the two young creatives. In fact, Fayad and Duran are chronicling their time on the French Riviera with a Tumblr called “Flip Flops and Socks,” a title that salutes geeky tourists’ stereotypically chosen style of footwear. Throughout the week, Fayad and Duran are posting pictures, videos, interviews, blog posts and animated gifs of their experiences, at least as long as the copywriter/art director team can stay sober. Stalk the duo as they transform from wide-eyed newbies into jaded, grizzled old pros here.

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