Saturday, June 16, 2012

DFCB Plays Spy on its Own. Wait, What?

Sure, we will have our own reporters at Cannes, and since yours truly will try to avoid that mess back here in NYC, let us tell you about something called “Agency Peephole” from Draftfcb San Francisco. We don’t know whether to be interested, flattered, or pissed the fuck off, but what is this, some preemptive strike? Alright, we’ll catch our breath, calm down and let you know that this is an app that lets you shake, swipe, flip, smack and rub down your iPhone to access Instagram photos tagged #agencypeephole from the event. FYI, this comes to us from Draft’s San Francisco office as well as UDC Interactive, but don’t worry, our eyes are on you.

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